
If you have an active account on LoveAdmin with Brilliant already, please do the following.

1 - Do you need to create a password for your LoveAdmin account? You must first head to the LoveAdmin log in page and click first time logging in to set this up


3 - Be a star and keep all your details up to date. Next, a member of our amazing team will accept your application and move your membership manually, it's like magic but with people working hard behind the scenes. One more time, all your details must be kept up to date with all medical details etc. (You can probably tell that bit is important)

Enrolling for the first time - YAY!

If you have no clue what this all means and you do not have an active account on LoveAdmin with Brilliant already, (Don't panic) Take a big breath, we can figure this out together. Here are some steps.

1 - We have obviously offered you a place at Brilliant Film Academy, below is a button link to a registration form that will become active on your Membership account via Love Admin. (Simply complete the full form).

2 - My amazing team will then approve you and add you to the class. (Please note, no space is guaranteed and spaces are very limited)

3 - Set up an account for all children separately (one form per child).

4 - Right, I think you are ready to click that button and get registering 

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